Chufa Oil with Apricot Seed

Chufaland’s Chufa oil with apricot seed is cold-pressed from the kernel of the prunus armeniaca. This oil is rich in oleic acid and linoleic acid, and it contains high levels of vitamins E and K, as well as several powerful antioxidants that promote heart health.
This oil also improves hair follicles and scalp health, which leaves you with smooth, silky, non-greasy hair and soft, clear skin. It is also an anti-inflammatory and contains amygdalin (also known as Vitamin B17), which can be used to treat pain and various diseases.
Apricot seed oil is an edible, finely textured, light-yellow oil. It is extracted from the hard pit of apricots, which is a succulent fruit that grows on trees.
The apricot’s true origin is uncertain. Some say it’s native to the Himalayas and northern China. Others claim it originated in Armenia, which is why it’s also called the Armenian plum. Still others think it was first cultivated in India back in 3000 BC.
In ancient times, the apricot was imported to the Middle East, and people there theorized that it was the fruit Adam ate in the Garden of Eden. Some historians believe it was introduced to Greece by Alexander the Great.
Apricot oil was used in France as an ingredient in a perfume called eau de noyaux. In Persia, it was cultivated and dried as an essential trade product. It also acted as a sweetener in Amar Al Din (a traditional Egyptian drink) and Qamar Al Din (a thick drink that’s popular during Ramadan). In the 1500s, apricots were brought to England and Italy during the reign of Henry VIII. Then in the 17th century, it became a popular anti-inflammatory among British herbalists.
The Chinese link the apricot with medicine and education, and it has been used in traditional Chinese healing for hundreds of years. The literal translation of the word “apricot” in Chinese is “”educational circle.””
During the Three Kingdoms Period, a physician named Dong Feng asked his patients to plant apricot trees in their orchards, rather than charging them a monetary fee. He wanted to have access to a full grove of peach trees, so he could use the fruit as medicine. During this time in Chinese history, apricot seeds were used to treat bronchitis, constipation, and inflammatory skin disorders.
In Egyptian and Palestinian Arabic, the expression “filmishmish” translates to “”when the apricots bloom.”” This statement was used to imply that an audacious guarantee to execute a task or demand was being made. And a common expression in Turkey means “the only thing better than this is an apricot in Damascus.”
Today, apricots are cultivated in the Mediterranean, Spain, the West Coast of the US, France, Italy, and Central Asia. Its largest producer is Turkey.
General Characteristics
An apricot is a type of drupe (a fleshy, thick-skinned fruit with a large seed). Its scientific name is prunus armeniaca. Apricots are also known as apricock, apricot almonds, armeniaca vulgaris, amygdalin, amygdalus armeniaca, apricot kernel oil, apricot seed, bitter almonds, Chinese almonds, and laetrile.
The prunus armeniaca is a midsize tree that grows in moist, well-drained, deep, alkaline soils. It can tolerate frost, but thrives in cool, temperate climates with full sunlight. In Tibet, the fruit prunes and ripens in the spring and late summer. The trees grow on mountainous inclines or scattered forests, and their seeds take 18 months to germinate. Its blooming period occurs in early spring, which delivers red-tinged blossoms to its bare branches. Then the fruits are picked in July and August, when the plant is mostly ripe.
The apricot is in the rosaceae family (also known as the rose family), which produces flowering plants, herbs, trees, and shrubs. This family is rich throughout the Northern Hemisphere, and contains 4,828 species in 91 genera. Some other plants born to this family are apples, pears, plums, loquats, raspberries, roses, almonds, meadowsweets, photinias, cherries, firethorns, and rowans.
Healing Properties
Apricot oil has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, anti-Inflammatory, anti-asthmatic, antispasmodic, antiaging, antitussive, antiseptic, demulcent, antioxidant, emollient, vulnerary, and antibacterial qualities. It can also be used as a moisturizer, expectorant, and sedative.
Apricot seed oil is rich in oleic, linoleic, palmitic, palmitoleic, stearic, linolenic, eicosenoic, gamma, alpha linolenic, erucic, gadoleic, behenic, and arachidis acids, and it contains high levels of vitamins a, e, c, and k. Its linoleic acid compounds are olein and glyceride, while its crystalline compounds are amygdalin and laetrile. Apricot oil blends well with basil, cedar, bergamot, lavender, chamomile, jasmine, ylang ylang, and rose oil.
Apricot oil can be easily applied as a topical cream, which soothes, smooths, and softens sensitive, irritated, and damaged skin and eliminates dry patches. It also reduces redness and soothes pain and inflammation from gout, arthritis, and discomfort in the muscles, bones, and joints.
This oil can be used as a face mask to exfoliate, saturate, and retain moisture in the skin. It can prevent the skin from being damaged by radicals as well, and it protects surface wounds from infections. It also has antiaging properties and relieves skin problems (such as rosacea, eczema, and psoriasis) and reduces dark circles, puffiness, fine lines, blemishes, wrinkles around the eyes, and sebum buildup in the glands.
This oil treats dandruff, dry scalp, and split ends. It also creates a non-greasy shine in hair, conditions and softens unruly hair, and strengthens weak locks. Its vitamin e content promotes follicle hardiness as well.
When consumed, apricot oil is well-known for its positive effects on asthma and acute and chronic coughs. It stimulates respiration, and is good for the heart and cardiovascular system. Due to its high amount of fiber content, apricot oil is frequently used to treat constipation and improve digestion.
Apricot oil is a wonderful rejuvenating oil that is used as a tonic to increase fertility. It can also works wonders on hormonal imbalances, and provides a sense of calmness and well-being.
Apricot leaves can be used to produce a green dye, and its fruit produces a dark grey dye. Its bark and roots neutralize poison.
Since apricot oil is a good substitute for almond oil, it’s commonly used in dessert recipes. Its oil is also great for frying, since it cooks well at very high temperatures.
Apricots bloom and erupt in color, adding light and life to your garden. The fruit has a nutty flavor. It is nutritious and delicious, and is often used in perfumes, cosmetics, food products, cleansers, and pharmaceuticals.